
Top 5 In-Demand Tech Skills in Australia

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in September 2021 the national unemployment rate soared from 4.6 percent to 5.2 percent. This increase came just ahead of covid restrictions easing throughout the nation. If you’re currently unemployed or even just looking for something new, this is a great time to be looking into the tech industry. With the continued tech skills shortage, we need to focus on bridging the gap, so we’ve found the top 5 in-demand skills in Australia for tech to help you out.

Data modelling

Data modelling is the process of analysing data objects and their relationship to other objects. More simply put, it’s the process of documenting data to show the connections between differing types and how they fit together. This is an essential step in building information systems as it helps show how a particular system will work best. Once you’ve gained the skills for this, you can expect to be looking at an average salary of $108,000 per year.

Software operations

Software operations is all about planning and executing activities involved in deploying software, such as monitoring system performance, making defect repairs and testing the application after any changes are made. The demand for this skill is on the rise, as companies look to become more proactive in their approach to deploying, monitoring and maintaining their software. If you can prove your worth in this area, an Operations Manager can expect an average income of $83,000 per year.

Software development

Software development is the process of designing, creating and testing programs. This can then be broken down in to three different types of development: system software, programming software and application software. You might be familiar with the terms JavaScript, Swift and Python and that’s because if you decide to become a software developer, you’ll get to learn how to use these programming languages. For this job, you can expect to receive around $70,000 per year.

Cloud architecture

We’ve all heard of Apple’s Cloud storage. Well if you become a cloud architect, you might be lucky enjoy to nab a job with them! This skill involves learning how technology components combine to build a cloud, which is where resources are pooled through virtualisation technology and shared across a network. As technology continues to evolve, this skill is in high demand. This is evident in the average salary in Australia, a whopping $143,000 per year.

Cyber security

Cyber security is pretty much what it sounds like. It’s the practice of protecting systems, networks and programs from digital attacks. When a hacker attacks, their main goal is usually to access, change or destroy information, extort money from users or interrupt normal business activity. Again, with how prominent technology is in 2022, cyber attacks are becoming more frequent and, as seen with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, sometimes deadly. So if you want to be at the forefront of protecting Australian businesses from cyber attacks, you can expect to earn an average of $115,000 per year.

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